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今年RCA的第一批申请时间已经出炉—10月28日,离现在也就是整整一个月的时间。相比较于去年,今年RCA大部分专业对于申请材料要求并没有太多的改变。其中和作品集同样重要的材料Journey Video也是每个专业的倾向会有所不同,并且同样是2分钟的限制,那么我们该如何在如此短的时间内去向学校更好的展示自己呢?



General Information

  • Your video does not need to be professionally shot and you may use the best resource available to you; we are not assessing the technical quality of this video
  • You must be visible in the video and communicate verbally yourself.
  • Your video can be in any of these formats: avi, mp4, mov, wmv.
  • Your video must be a maximum of 2 minutes long, in real time.

几个简单的点:1.不需要是非常专业的拍摄手法,所以你可以使用相机、手机等器材去录制;2.必须本人出境、本人声音;3.最终提交的视频格式限定在avi、mp4、mov和wmv四种之一;4.视频最长2分钟,并且是real time,也就是不要为了调整时间而加快或者减慢视频速度。



由于皇家艺术学院RCA的各专业视频内容要求都有所不同,因此在这里我会用Service Design服务设计、Information Experience Design信息体验设计和Design Products产品设计这三个专业举例,详细分析一下该如何去准备和录制这些视频。

2.1-Service Design服务设计
What else would you like us to know about you?
In your video, please explain your motivation to be a service designer and provide an example of your favourite service experience. Please then describe an aspect of service design you are most passionate about. Finally, briefly describe your favourite project in your portfolio and describe why you chose it.
This will be a chance to showcase your understanding of service design, your passion to study at a Masters level and your ability to communicate the value and impact of your work.


  • 要点1.动机
  • 要点2.个人体会到的服务体验
  • 要点3.感兴趣的服务设计方面
  • 要点4.作品集内最佳作品


  • 贴合动机信,一定要 personal, 切忌 general. 即换了别人的名字就不能再 make sense。
  • 没有好的办法,得靠积累,建议考虑向同理心或一个低预期+高现实的奇妙情绪转折来说。
  • 项目负责人有个视频,在视频里提到过如 curiocity 或者courage 这些词, 总之说的实话可以大胆些。
  • 作品集里最服务那个吧,尽量要点在 蓝图后台或者系统图(商业画布),总之要体现设计的功力在系统构建而非触点。


  • 不要单调的一个人坐在那里说,可以提前设置一个脚本,比如介绍你个人最喜欢的服务体验,那么可以实地拍一些视频并剪辑加入自己最终视频中。

2.2-Information Experience Design信息体验设计

What else would you like us to know about you?

  • Please provide a verbal presentation about yourself and your creative practical work.
    We want to find out about your creative journey and the context of your work; social, cultural, political etc. Please tell us about the concepts and ideas you are interested in, the processes you use to make work and the technologies you employ.
  • You can do this by showing or describing a project you have made outlining the creative stages of research and development that you used or by talking more broadly. Lastly tell us why and how your work and interests relate to your chosen pathway at the RCA.


IED 的视频要求方向比较接近于面试,可以大致分为2部分:

  • 第一部分基本上可以理解为介绍一个作品集中的项目,但是注意要讲的并非作品的产出,而是作品研究与发展的过程,可以讲一讲作品集中没有的东西。目的在于让学校看到你之前的创意设计方法和想法的核心语境(可以理解为侧重,如社会、文化、政治等)。
  • 第二小部分,简要聊一下为什么你过往的经历和兴趣是和IED相匹配的。


2.3-Design Products产品设计

Please select one of the Design Products challenges below and take no more than 1 hour to creatively respond to it, producing a series of design proposals, present these in your 2 minute video.


  • In your two-minute film please clearly state which challenge you selected and describe the approach you took.
  • We expect a minimum of 3 ‘sketched or storyboarded concepts’ that you can guide us through.
  • Pay specific attention to the way your proposals could interact with; their environment, intended users/stakeholders, existing systems, materials and technologies.
  • Please conclude with a section on which of these proposals you would be most passionate about taking forward and what you would do next; Who would you want to work with? What would you do? How would you make design decisions? How does this relate to your current practice and future ambitions?

A) Smart Technologies.Propose a ‘smart’ technology application/device that has an environmental or socially led objective. Where does the device/application live? What does it enable? What data does it rely upon? How do people engage with it? What are its implications on future economies or how we live and work together?
B) Domestic Life in the Circular Economy.Imagine that in 2035 recycling, reuse and repair are commonplace with the majority of products designed to allow for the effective recovery of valuable components and materials. In this future circular economy individuals are sustainably conscious and their homes reflect their value. Describe proposals that could address circular economy and promote sustainability for the home environment?
C) Design for human behaviour. The design of spaces, systems and artefacts informs our behaviour and responses to the surrounding world. Simple interactions, provocations and interruptions can dramatically change our mood, our perspective and our relationships with others. Please describe creative responses where you could intervene for a positive or negative change and describe the nature of how you would intervene.


  • 选了哪个方向以及可能用什么方法(approach)进行设计;
  • 可能的产出提案,并用手绘或故事板表达;
  • 你的提案有可能的与外界的交互点;
  • 这个选题提案你将如何发展、继续深化、你未来可能如何展开、和你之前的经验有什么关系等。


  • 按以往经验来看,这类型设计不太在乎设计的产出到底如何,选题本身的问题洞察能力和你在解决问题过程中的思维方式同等重要。学校想看的是你如何完成并阐述,而非产出。
  • 同时注意,仅仅是提案,而非完整设计,所谓提案是一个方向,值得后续深入探讨推敲的初步构想而已,别做的太确切


[实例]爱丁堡 MA Design for Change 申请中2分钟小视频准备思路
PDF作品集如何插入视频?Acrobat Pro 中完成只需3步!

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