对于设计专业的同学而言,RCA一直都是dream dream dream school,但是RCA的学费真的有点高的吓人了。目前学校官网给出的2017年的学费高达28400英镑/年,生活费学校给出的建议为12000-15000英镑/年,人民币最近又是贬值的厉害,所以如果这么算来,每年在RCA读书就得花34W-37W了,伦敦真的好贵啊,还是在村子里面读书好。
Digital Portfolio
This should describe your abilities in design and presentation. It should include representative samples of drawings, model-making and any other work-up material at investigative or exploratory stages of the design process, as well as presentation of finished pieces. It should also contain samples of any written work, technical studies or additional work carried out in conjunction with the design projects. The portfolio should show the range and variety of skills and experience but should emphasise your knowledge of the subject for which you are applying.
Please note:
Digital extracts of sketchbooks and notebooks should be included (if invited for interview, you should bring sketchbooks with you).
Physical /actual objects should be represented by photographs and can be brought to interview should you be selected.
Working drawings and photographs of finished work should be dated and have attached a brief written explanation.
All work submitted should be correctly titled and clearly marked with your name.
Joint project work or collaborative projects must be clearly described as such. You must indicate clearly the exact role that you played in the creation of the work submitted.
Where it can be shown that you have submitted work that is not your own, as if it was your own, or it transpires that the level of your involvement in joint work has been seriously exaggerated, or where false statements have been made on an application form or other document considered by an admissions board, you may be disqualified.
You can upload up to 20 projects, each of which can be either: A final image or video and up to 6 supporting images.
A web site with URL and up to 6 supporting images.
Create your web or image/movie Projects first: these will show as a list that you can sort. Then upload the supporting images using the ‘upload…’ link below each Project on the list. You can also view, edit and delete any Project at any time. Images must be in JPG or PNG format (2MB Max, 1024×768 pixels or greater) or videos in MOV, MP4 or M4V (80MB Max) format. Any other video formats should be uploaded to a video hosting site such as Vimeo, and the link added here.
3.Artist’s Statement
Please write an overall statement about the work you are submitting.